Covidien Nellcor PM10N Handheld Pulse Oximeter with Alarm is a portable patient monitoring Pulse Oximeter that's hand held, perfect for quick checks and offers continuous monitoring in several home, office or other settings. A bright, easy-to-see digital LCD screen displays several key pieces of information about each patient, making chart recordings easier for hospital staff.
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Üdvözlet! Metex M-3870D műszeremhez szeretnék használati útmutatót ha lenne valakinek. PDF vagy maga a gyári lemez tartalma. Sürgős lenne ha van valakinek. Köszönöm.
Omron PLC-k tápegységek,frekvenciaváltók eladók ill cserélhető.
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Covidien Nellcor Pulse Oximeter Manual
Covidien Pulse Oximeter Troubleshooting
- Small, lightweight, ergonomic handheld monitor for continuous and spot-check pulse oximetry monitoring
- Supports a robust data set, including real-time SpO2 and PR values, SatSeconds alarm management, pleth waveform, blip bar and tabular trend data
- Supports standard and home-care modes for use in hospital, hospital-type facilities, transport, mobile environments and home-care environments
- Supports Sleep Study Mode, which enables the clinician to dim the LCD display and silence alarms to prevent disruption of patients’ sleep
- Nellcor™ advanced signal processing technology delivers reliable operation even in difficult monitoring conditions
- LoSat expanded accuracy range (60% to 100% SpO2) when used with Nellcor™ adhesive sensors with OxiMax™ technology
- Compatible with the complete line of Nellcor™ single-patient-use, reusable and specialty sensors with OxiMax™ technology
- 80 hours of data storage capability
- Supports data export to an external personal computer for data analysis and printing functions